Natural light in the home and workplace contributes to well-being and well-being. With the right amount of light, you can achieve an improved indoor climate where the aesthetic experience of architecture and interior design go hand in hand with functionality and the environment.

Aluflam develops and manufactures aluminium skylights for all purposes. From its own design and production facilities, Aluflam offers a deep and wide range of standard and customized solutions.

Most recently, the company supplied 120 skylights for the renovation of a group of terraced houses in Hvidovre, where the spacing of the windows had not been precisely maintained when they were built in the 1980s. Even for smaller orders, Aluflam can deliver in customized dimensions, which makes renovations cheaper than similar standard products because it facilitates the installation of the windows.


  • AluflamSky skylights are produced in standard sizes as well as custom sizes and colours.
  • Available in fire-rated Ei30.
  • Glass unit: 50 mm 4H-12-4-4-12-4-4H, exterior tempered glass LOW-E.
  • Fire gasket system made of TPC and EPDM, which are resistant to UV and low temperatures.
  • The handle is located at the bottom of the frame, making it easier to open and close the window.
  • Moisture-resistant and rigid for an easy, quick and secure installation with no visible joints.
  • A wide range of colours in white and grey RAL palette, wood colours such as pine and golden oak, and anodised finish.


Aluflam is a family-owned group that works closely with clients, architects, engineers and technical experts to develop and produce standard products and advanced custom solutions in glass and aluminium for the construction, offshore, marine and transport industries.

Based on 80 years of experience, the company ensures that aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand with requirements and standards for safety, energy, environment and economy.

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of aluminium solutions, Aluflam has the entire supply chain – from extrusion of raw aluminium, cutting, bending and powder coating to assembly and delivery of the finished product – at its own facilities in Denmark, USA, Australia and Lithuania.

The company is ISO-certified for production and uses only certified suppliers of raw materials that meet today’s sustainability requirements, including the low-carbon and recycled aluminium – Hydro CIRCAL.

The group has its own test facilities for checking fire resistance and other requirements from customers and national and international authorities.

In addition to the many classic non-fire-rated products, the company offers fire-resistant constructions from fire class E 15 to EI 120. For more than 30 years, Aluflam’s fire-resistant solutions have contributed to increased safety on land, water, and in the air.


Renovation of terraced houses with AluflamSky skylights
Copenhagen, Denmark

In 1984, Monberg & Thorsen built a group of terraced houses on Hvidovrevej. As part of the renovation in 2022-2023, 31 of the houses each received 4 new skylights from Aluflam.

During construction, the carpenters did not maintain 100% uniform rafter spacing. Aluflam can supply customized dimensions in small quantities, which makes a renovation easier to install and cheaper than similar market products such as Velfac 200. Aluflam has provided a 25-year warranty if the maintenance plan is followed.

AluflamSky – centre-hung with roller blind. Non-fire-rated for bathrooms. Mounted in PVC lightbox to reduce moisture risk.

AluflamSky centre-hung without roller blind. Non-fire-rated for residential use.

Renovation of terraced houses with AluflamSky skylights
Galgebakken in Albertslund, Denmark

Galgebakken is one of Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening’s buildings, built between 1972 and 1974. Its location in northern Albertslund, close to Vestskoven, makes the development, which itself has a large green open space, particularly attractive. After a long preparation period, the contract tender for Galgebakken was launched in August 2020. In the autumn of 2021, the contractor was found, and the renovation project began in early 2022. Aluflam delivers around 450 skylights with a motor between 2022-2024

Aluminium FlameSky with motor for open/close function. Non fire-rated for residential use.

Aluminium FlameSky with motor for open/close function. Non fire-rated for residential use.


Contact Aluflam to learn more about AluflamSky at info@aluflam.dk or phone 46 75 06 11.


Naturligt lys i boligen og på arbejdspladsen bidrager til øget trivsel og velvære. Med det rigtige lysindfald opnår man et forbedret indeklima, hvor den æstetiske oplevelse af arkitektur og indretning går hånd i hånd med funktionalitet og miljø.

Aluflam udvikler og producerer aluminium ovenlysvinduer til alle formål. Fra egne design- og produktionsfaciliteter tilbyder Aluflam et dybt og bredt sortiment af standard- og specialløsninger.

Senest har virksomheden leveret 120 ovenlysvinduer til en renovering af en gruppe rækkehuse i Hvidovre, hvor spærafstanden ved opførelsen i 1980’erne ikke var blevet holdt helt præcist. Selv ved mindre bestillinger kan Aluflam levere i specialmål, hvilket gør renoveringer billigere end ved tilsvarende standardprodukter, fordi det letter monteringen af vinduerne.


  • AluflamSky ovenlysvinduer produceres i standardmål samt specialmål og -farver.
  • Kan fås i fire-rated Ei30.
  • Glasenhed: 50 mm 4H-12-4-12-4H, udvendigt hærdet glas LOW-E.
  • Firepakningssystem lavet af TPC og EPDM, som er modstandsdygtige over for UV og lave temperaturer.
  • Håndtaget er placeret i bunden af rammen, hvilket gør det nemmere at åbne og lukke vinduet.
  • Fugtbestandig og stiv for at opnå en let, hurtig og sikker installation uden synlige samlinger.
  • En bred vifte af farver i hvid og grå RAL-palet, træfarver som f.eks. fyr og gylden eg samt anodiseret finish.


Aluflam er en familieejet koncern, som i tæt samarbejde med bygherrer, arkitekter, ingeniører og tekniske eksperter udvikler og producerer standardprodukter og avancerede specialløsninger i glas og aluminium indenfor bl.a. byggeri, offshore, marine og transport.

Med afsæt i 80 års erfaring sikrer virksomheden, at æstetik og funktionalitet går hånd i hånd med krav og standarder til sikkerhed, energi, miljø og økonomi.

Som en af Verdens førende producenter af aluminiumsløsninger råder Aluflam over hele forsyningskæden – fra ekstrudering af råaluminium over skæring, bukning og pulverlakering til samling og levering af færdigt produkt – på egne faciliteter i Danmark, USA, Australien og Litauen.

Virksomheden er ISO-certificeret på produktion og anvender udelukkende certificerede leverandører af råvarer, som lever op til tidens krav om bæredygtighed bl.a. gennem det kulstoffattige og genanvendte aluminium – Hydro CIRCAL.

Koncernen råder over egne test-faciliteter til kontrol af brandmodstand samt andre krav fra kunder samt nationale og internationale myndigheder.

Ud over de mange klassiske non-fireratede produkter tilbyder virksomheden brandsikre konstruktioner fra brandklasse E 15 til EI 120. I mere end 30 år har Aluflams brandsikre løsninger bidraget til at øget sikkerhed til lands, til vand og i luften.


Renovering af rækkehuse med AluflamSky rytterlys
Hvidovrevej 11-29, Hvidovre

Monberg & Thorsen opførte i 1984 en gruppe rækkehuse på Hvidovrevej. Som led i renovering i 2022-2023 fik 31 af husene hver 4 nye ovenlysvinduer fra Aluflam.

VALGT PGA Ved opførelsen har tømrerne ikke holdt 100% ens spærafstand. Aluflam kan levere specialmål i små antal, hvilket gør en renovering lettere at montere og billigere end tilsvarende markedsprodukter som fx Velfac 200. Aluflam har ydet 25 års garanti såfremt vedligeholdelsesplan holdes.

AluflamSky – centerhængslet med rullegardin. Non fire-rated til badeværelse.
Monteret i PVC-lyskasse for reduktion af fugtrisiko. AluflamSky centerhængslet uden rullegardin.
Non fire-rated til beboelse.

AluflamSky centerhængslet uden rullegardin. Non fire-rated til beboelse.

Renovation of terraced houses with AluflamSky skylights
Galgebakken in Albertslund, Denmark

Galgebakken er en af Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening bebyggelser, opført 1972 – 74. Beliggenheden i det nordlige Albertslund, tæt ved Vestskoven, gør bebyggelsen, der i sig selv har et stort grønt friareal, særligt attraktiv. Efter en længere forberedelsesperiode blev entrepriseudbuddet for Galgebakken opstartet i august 2020. I efteråret 2021 blev entreprenøren fundet og i starten af 2022 blev renoveringsprojektet påbegyndt. Aluflam leverer godt 450 ovenlysvinduer med motor fra 2022-2024.

AluflamSky med motor til åbne/lukke-funktion. Non fire-rated til beboelse.

AluflamSky med motor til åbne/lukke-funktion. Non fire-rated til beboelse.


Kontakt Aluflam for at høre mere om AluflamSky på info@aluflam.dk eller telefon 46 75 06 11.

our core values

Our core values are the foundation by which Aluflam was built.

  • teamwork.

    We recognize our primary asset is people. We work with our clients as a team. Mutual respect provides the foundation for our success.

  • intergity.

    We abide by the Biblical principle that our “yes is yes” and our “no is no”. When we make a commitment or an agreement, we will always follow through

  • excellence.

    Skillfully execute our work, utilizing innovation and ingenuity, so that we provide a high-quality finished product and excellent customer service.

  • safety.

    At Aluflam, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe work environment for our employees, our subcontractors, our clients and the general public.

  • innovation.

    We foster a culture that embraces the need for change. We encourage and support innovation and individual creativity in problem solving; always rising to the challenge.

  • communication.

    We take time to listen. Open, honest, and proactive communication with clients, partners, and employees is essential to how we operate.

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