It’s a burning, never-ending desire to help our clients maximize their outcomes — and exceed their strategic goals. Though our goal is a bit aspirational, our values are what drive us every day.
the Best Builder Company in the World.
our core purpose
Make a difference in the lives of Our Customers, Employees and Community.
good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design.
Žmonės Bendro tikslo ir aistros žmonėms vienijanti mūsų projekto komanda yra neprilygstama.
mūsų pagrindinės vertybės
Mūsų pagrindinės vertybės yra pagrindas, ant kurio buvo pastatytas Aluflam.

our mission
We Have One Goal: To be the Best Builder in the World. It’s a burning, never-ending desire to help our clients maximize their outcomes — and exceed their strategic goals. Though our goal is a bit aspirational, our values are what drive us every day.

our vision
The firm strives to maintain project diversity as it continues to expand its construction activities, constructing corporate interiors, renovating existing properties and aiming to increase its participation in building ground-up, high-design residential apartments, condominiums and hotels.
„Aluflam“ esame stiklo ir aliuminio konstrukcijų sistemų priešgaisrinių sprendimų ekspertai. Mes kuriame ir gaminame produktus savo gamyklose. Tai reiškia, kad nuo konceptualizacijos etapo iki naujų sprendimų kūrimo ir gamybos nėra toli.